TSS “Get Connected” with care providers throughout the UK…

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has distributed £12 million of investment grants supporting care providers in England who have limited access to the internet. “Get Connected” is a new support programme which enables providers of care for adults in England to invest in their ICT infrastructure to assist in care provision and service.

TSS has been engaged by care providers throughout the UK to provide core infrastructure solutions, training rooms and internet cafes to enable staff and service users to get online and take advantage of the internet and email. We have been overwhelmed by the positive impact our work has had on the lives of service users.

The “silver surfer” generation has become empowered with the internet and email allowing them to stay in touch with family and friends, share photos, use social networking sites, shop online, research topics of interest and engage in new hobbies. Service users with mental health issues have been able to use technology for both educational and therapeutic purposes which has assisted with their integration into society.

It has been a privilege to be involved with this work and wonderful to see how lives can be so positively impacted by simply being given access to a PC and the internet.

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