
Virtualisation is a technology which allows several virtual servers to be hosted on a single physical server unit by sharing the resources (processor, memory). Traditionally, a single physical server would perform a single task e.g. domain controller or mail server, but with virtualisation a single physical server can host various applications performing different tasks.

The entry level virtualisation technologies from Microsoft, VMWare and Citrix are free of charge so ideal for cost conscious SME’s. These free virtualisation platforms are fully scalable allowing organisations to migrate to the higher level infrastructure software in a rapid and cost effective manner. These enhanced virtualisation versions provide much greater functionality particularly in resource utilisation and system high availability. Ultimately the high end virtualisation software will take you to the private cloud solutions which we have deployed in various organisations.

TSS work with Microsoft, VMWare and Citrix ensuring we are well placed to provide independent advice on the best solution for our clients. This technology is deployed in a whole range of our client sites from the smallest to the biggest so don’t think it’s the preserve of the large corporates. There are real advantages to be realised as listed below:

By hosting multiple applications on fewer physical server units there are significant savings in terms of hardware infrastructure costs and electricity bills.

The virtualisation technology will optimise the use of your server resources ensuring a highly efficient system.

Your infrastructure will be fully scalable no matter where you enter along the virtualisation path.

Virtualisation technology has ability to eradicate downtime by providing high availability and fault tolerance.

Deploy new servers and applications quickly, efficiently and cost effectively.

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